Friday, July 18, 2008

Batman - The Dark Knight Now Showing; Heath Ledger Gives An Astounding Performance

The Dark Knight is a vivid, magnificent film simply among the best movie I've encountered in a long time, and easily the most effective of its form.

Christian Bale comes back as the serious-minded caped crusader opposing an international class villian, an all-consuming first-rate joker, played Oscar-caliber by the late Heath Ledger.

Ledger's joker is no joke. He's a chaos-seeking human missle and the best bad guy in motion picture history.

Now and then, The Dark Knight comes in the cinematic stratosphere as a guessing man's comic book hero attempting to spare the world and in the procedure, feeling immoral around the outlook it requires to fight pure evil.

The Dark Knight is written and directed to the letter by Christopher Nolan. Consider this backing cast - Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Gary Oldman - altogether assisting a technically impressive film that lives on a higher level.

Be deliberate, The Dark Knight is graded PG-13 but feels like an R, and runs two and a half hours.

Every frame is a gut-wrencher, an ethical motive tale about a bad guy without any ethics and a benevolent guy that comes out to be over his head. This is why I attend the motion pictures.